Working Condition Act

An accident-free and healthy organization by applying the Working Conditions Act

The government’s intervention is surely justified as studies have shown that every year approximately 250,000 employees find themselves homebound due to sickness or injury, with permanent health problems or even loss of their lives from accidents at work.Every year, nearly 20,000 young employees end up in the hospital due to a work-related accident.Apart from the emotional damage and loss of reputation, the employer must also always deal with the financial ramifications. Therefore, it is very rewarding to invest in the health and safety of your staff.An organization has the important responsibility of keeping its employees as healthy and safe as possible. While that is part of being a good employer, it is also required by the government who ensures that these measures are adhered to by using the threat of heavy fines.

The Basics of the working conditions act

The Working Conditions Act, referred to as Arbowet in Dutch, tells you exactly what your obligations are as an employer. The obligations are many and can be complicated to execute. All are not necessary for every organization and some requirements weigh heavier than others. Bennani Safety Expert transforms all these occupational health and safety obligations and products into an approach that is clearly and precisely tailored for your organization. This ensures that you have sufficient attention to the working conditions of your staff, without investing in areas that are not relevant to you.

Bennani Safety Expert advises and support in:

  • Development and implementation of RI&E (Risk Assessment and Evaluation)
  • Pursuit of a policy of absenteeism
  • Sustaining working conditions
  • Prevention and campaign against sexual harassment, aggression and violence in the workplace
  • Informing and instructing employees in the field of safety and health
  • Reporting of company accidents
  • Communication with the labor inspection
  • Select and enable expert occupational health and safety help
  • Establish and maintain a BHV (emergency response services)
  • Coordination of periodic occupational health investigation